Hurst Weather
Friday 8 November 2024 15:27
Temperature 8°C
Feels like 8°C
Wind NE 2mph, gust 4mph
Visibility Moderate - Between 4-10 km
Precipitation 10%
Max UV index 0
Cloudy overnight with patchy light drizzle
This Evening and Tonight:
Low cloud will persist overnight, with a few outbreaks of light drizzle moving in from the coast during the early hours of Saturday morning. Winds remaining light. Minimum Temperature 5C.
Another dull day with continuous cloud, patchy drizzle expected throughout, especially towards the coast. Light winds. Maximum Temperature 9C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Cloudy with rain moving southeast Sunday, clearing later. Monday will be drier and sunny. Isolated fog Tuesday morning, becoming sunny, with some isolated showers towards Kent. Temperatures gradually falling.