Hurst Weather
Tuesday 21 January 2025 04:10
Temperature 2°C
Feels like 1°C
Wind S 2mph, gust 9mph
Visibility Poor - Between 1-4 km
Precipitation 14%
Max UV index 0
Tuesday, some morning bright spells possible, turning cloudy later.
Some brief bright or sunny spells possible initially after any early fog clears. Cloud thickening and lowering once again from the southeast through the day, however staying largely dry. Maximum Temperature 7C.
Overcast with extensive areas of low cloud forming and covering hills. The odd patch of drizzle initially, before outbreaks of rain develop from the south. Minimum Temperature 2C.
Overcast with outbreaks of rain, especially across southern counties, but gradually turning drier later with clearer conditions arriving through the evening. Patchy frost and fog forming overnight. Maximum Temperature 6C.
Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Thursday, early frost with patchy fog. Rain band and stronger winds moving east later. Very windy Friday, turning brighter after a wet start, with strong winds easing into Saturday.